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Turning Balance on its Head – Part Two

Isabelle Bridges Boesch & Jessica Hagen

We previously discussed the importance of grounding into our values as a first step to thinking about balance differently. Consider what is important to you, why you do what you do, and the importance of putting your judgement first in any given situation. 

Life can be overwhelming and stressful when you have too much on your plate and you’re constantly thinking of how others may perceive you. Slow down, take deep breaths, and center yourself. Allow yourself to truly contemplate the who, what, and why of a given situation. 

Not only is it important to analyze why and how you’re progressing through life, but the way you talk about life in general on a daily basis. 

Core Activation

The second step in considering the fight for balance in life is core activation. What we mean is engaging one’s core desired feelings by changing your language, which will subsequently change your physiology. Consider how you speak to yourself or think about the world. If you always talk about what makes your life more complicated or you continuously concentrate on things you perceive as negative in your life, you expend energy on the exact feelings you’re trying to avoid. Instead of concentrating on the difficulties of life, fixate on the positive aspects of your day. What went right for you today? What made your life just a bit easier, even if just for a few minutes?


Often times people focus on the big picture without considering the importance of the details — looking at life as a whole instead of the particulars that make up that whole. Changing your outlook on life means altering the details of your daily attitude. When we talk about what we don’t want, we increase our negative thoughts and feelings. On the contrary, if you discuss the positive in your life — the moments of bliss you experienced that day or week — you’ll improve your attitude toward life. Focus on your core desired feelings on a daily and weekly basis to truly experience them. Gradually, negative perceptions of your surroundings will dissipate and you’ll develop a happier, more constructive reality. 


As we noted earlier, changing your language will in turn change your physiology. For example, if your desired feeling is finding peace, but you are constantly stressed out or anxious, try switching your mindset. When you’re stressed, your body releases adrenaline, which causes increased heart rate and blood pressure. Think of how you would breathe if you felt at peace and practice inhaling and exhaling in that way. Practice the technique you feel would coincide with the sensation of being at peace. As you calm yourself down, your heart rate will naturally slow. A low resting heart rate allows you to feel more at peace, and helps you reach your ultimate goal. 

Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

A lot of you are going to say, “Easier said than done.” Some daily struggles — in the workplace, in your home and family life — may be completely unavoidable. After all, you can’t dismiss everyone in life you don’t get along with nor should you. There has to be a balance of growth by experience and growth by self-accomplishment. In other words, you’re always going to deal with difficult people and often learning how you handle those experiences makes you a more well-rounded person. However, in situations where you can avoid negativity, such as social situations, do so. Allowing yourself to escape negative environments will unquestionably help you ground into your values and glean a more positive outlook on life. 

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